What happened to this greedy man?


    The story of MIDAS Touch

The midas is a very richest king."greedy story in English." He is very ego stick person. Misas has very love their money and gold. 

"short story about greed."

        But one day midas going to forest and meet to a great ,peaceful, and powerful monk. Monk said "what is your wish"than midas said  "please great monk! give me a power of goldtouch I mean touch any things than turn into  gold". Monk given the power with small smile.midas very happy and his not believe that monks power.

           Next day midas weak up and touch a bed and turn into gold bed. Midas touch the door and turn into the gold door .his very happy , but midas touch a water for drinking but water turn into gold and touch a food but food turn into gold .midas vary sad and negativity thinking this monk power. Midas very crying for hungry and thirstily. Midas very fast running for going a forest to meet a great monk. Midas said’’ please great monk forgive me. Monk vary happy and call this power.


How do we judge our value system. Character is priceless what money cannot Buy.


"greedy man story with moral"

"the greedy man"

"story of the greedy man and golden thought"

"greedy rich man story"

"essay on greedy man"

"greedy stories in english"

                              thanks for Reading


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